December 16, 2013


Last time I had to wait for my flight hours and hours, I was in New Delhi Airoport, the best  airoport so far: Affordable Rooms inside, cheap food (Welcome to India!), long chairs to sleep and nice couches to relax. It was night so all I did was watching a movie and fall asleep, when woke up it was time to fly.

This time Iam in New York JFK Airoport and we arrived from San Francisco at 7am and will leave at 7pm! Geez what a human being can do for cheap flights.

We knew we needed stuff to entertain us for many hours so we bought: a bunch of National Geographic Magazines for 25 cents each in thrift stores, Sudoku and other mind exercising games. But guess what? We left all that stuff in the suitcase which we checked in. I know, I know, stupid right?

Same thing when you take time writing down the groceries list and then you forget the list at home.
I'm so glad I always find something to do, being closed in the same place for many hours is not my cup of tea.

So I decided to make a list of cool things you can do in the airport: 

*** Bring your laptop, tablet, mp3, smart cellphone, all electronic devices possible so you can watch a movie, play games, go online, listen to music, skype. If you don't have any buy it now! (I'm kidding, if you're creative you can do many other things, take a look below)

*** While online and bored you can: search for new blogs to read, depending in your taste (travel blog, fashion blog, decoration blog), you can update your blog (that's what I'm doing right now! yey), keep in touch with friends you don't hear for a while sending emails, search for new movies and documentaries to watch in the future, spend hours getting inspiration at pinterest.

*** You can read books, magazines, comics, newspapers. Swap with other people when you are done with yours or simply be kind and give away to someone who looks bored.

*** Take pictures. You will find some wall paiting or cute/sily/fun/inspiring stuff.

*** If there are more Terminals go for a walk and check out the shops of other terminals (for the safety of your pockets, look at prices before purchasing anything!)

*** Take a nap. Relax. Catch up with the sleeping.

*** Drink as much alcohol as possible so you pass away (idea of my dear beloved one *haha*).

*** Write a letter to someone. Send it afterwords. Who doesn't enjoy to get snail mail?

!!!!!With so many things to do... 
make sure you don't miss your flight!!!!! 

Any genious ideas of things to do while waiting for a flight? 

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